Life a Userʼs Manual: The Catcher in the Mirror
Curators: Ami Barak and Diana Marincu
Venue: Arad Art Museum
Program: 11.00 – 17.00 (Monday closed, open on October 2)
Marion Baruch
Alin Bozbiciu
Simon Cantemir Hauși
Ciprian Ciuclea
Cristina David
Aurora Kiraly
Olivia Mihălțianu
Andrei Nacu
Mary Reid Kelley
Wang Sishun
Florin Ștefan
The journal is a way of accessing the private room and personal time in which the subject emerges, glued to the mirror, eye to eye with itself. This subchapter, its title inspired by the title of Mircea Mihăieș’s book, follows a similar approach of recovering the person behind the image, in this case, the writer from Timișoara trying to place a mirror in front of the words. Under the spell of every autobiographical digression, the slow pace and strained light, the proposals of the artists simultaneously dis- and re-assemble the perception of time according to their own memories. Time becomes a personal barometer navigating through events, characters and statuses, measuring their lift and once again affirming subjectivity as reality’s replacement.
1.Andrei Nacu, Sets, Subsets, Families (2017), inkjet working prints, courtesy: Andrei Nacu