
Organizer: Triade Interart Foundation
Program: 27.10.2017 – 26.11.2017
Location: The Memorial of the Revolution

Dan Perjovschi (b. 1961) lives in Bucharest and Sibiu. In his drawings, he approaches political and social themes, involving himself with the independent scene, and maintaining constant dialogue with the public space, either through his drawings, which go beyond the comfort zones of art institutions, or through debates in which he engages not only as an artist, but also as an active player in civil society.

Pusha Petrov (b. 1984) graduated from the Art and Design Faculty in Timișoara (2009 – painting department) and from the École Supérieure d’Art de Lorraine, Metz (2011 – communication department). Her artistic path has been enriched by various internships and residencies in France, and she is currently collaborating with multiple international artists.

In his work, Pratchaya Phinthong (b. 1974) poetically transfers financial fluctuations, media alarmism, and the world labor market into matter. Often conceived as a dialogue between the artist and the others, Phintong’s artworks confront different social, economic or geographical systems.
Eugenia Pop, born 1945 in Cugir, Romania, lived in Cluj-Napoca until 2012. She graduated from Ion Andreescu Visual Arts Institute from Cluj-Napoca, the Department of Ceramics, in 1971.

Raluca Popa (b. 1979) studied at Byam Shaw School of Art / Central Saint Martins (London, United Kingdom) and the University of Art and Design (Cluj-Napoca, Romania). She lives in Bucharest.

Invited independent art space: Sandwich
Venue: Calpe Gallery/ The Therezia Bastion
Hector Street 1
Program: Tuesday – Friday 15.00 – 19.00, Saturday and Sunday 11.00 – 14.00

Invited independent art space: MAGMA Contemporary Art Space
Venue: Pygmalion Gallery/ The House of Arts
Episcop Augustin Pacha Street 8
Program: Tuesday - Friday 11.00 - 19.00, Saturday 15.00 - 19.00