Process terminus
Invited independent art space: Sandwich
Program: Tuesday – Friday 15.00 – 19.00, Saturday and Sunday 11.00 – 14.00
Sandwich uses the hidden potential of a residual space between two utilitarian constructions, and starting from the idea that any constraint is a resort to find the best solution, it transforms the atypical characteristics of the chosen space in positive limits. Sandwich has been functioning as an independent art space since April 2016 and has presented, so far, the projects of the artists Cristian Răduță, Daniela Pălimariu, Dan Vezentan, Raluca Popa, Mihai Iepure-Górski, Dan Perjovschi, Delia Popa.
Process terminus starts from the premise that destruction is in itself creativity, and the performative act that implies the physical action necessary for reducing the chosen work to its zero moment is, in fact, constructive. Sandwich assumes the role of an art sanitarium and applies an ecology of ideas. Not only it encourages the destruction of things that are no longer desired, but offers space for new projects, it liberates and creates support for new concepts. Moreover, the project discusses attachment and renouncement to one’s own ideas, images or objects.
1. sketches for Process Terminus (2017), ink on paper, photo credits: Sandwich