Life a userʼs manual: Urban Insights
Curators: Ami Barak and Diana Marincu
Program: Temporarily closed
Ioana Bătrânu
Dan Beudean & George Crîngașu
Michel Blazy
Norbert Costin
Adrian Dan
Yael Efrati
Arantxa Etcheverria
Pratchaya Phinthong
Raluca Popa
Julien Previeux
Laurențiu Ruță-Fulger
Mircea Stănescu
Sorin Vreme
This first chapter refers more to a context than to a delimited and specific territory. Before colonizing minds, urbanity has taken over every corner of the globalized world, because everything, or almost everything, that happens in the metropolis also reverberates outside. The urban space produces architecture and design but also attitudes and lifestyles that mark the citizens by their formal and conceptual input, wherever they live. Contemporary art is on the front line as an expression of the state of society, reflecting on this universe and carrying messages that transcend the decorative or playful patterns surrounding us to emphasize a deeper meaning. The projects shown here deal with a multitude of usages and temporalities of the city: as a background for a state of mind, an inspiration for imagining a better life, a pretext for a “parallel composition”.
1. Norbert Costin, An Expression of Time II (2011-2012), inkjet print on archival grade paper, size depending on the installation, photo credits: the artist