Cătălina Nistor [RO]
Art Encounters 2017 Exhibitions:
Home, Sweet Home
Cătălina Nistor (b. 1981), lives and works in Cluj. In 2004, she graduated from the University of Arts in Bucharest, Textile Department, and in 2006 she earned the Master diploma at the same university. In 2008-2009 she attended a Masters at the Dutch Art Institute in Enschede, The Netherlands. Her projects bring up taboo topics and clichés of thought, through personal histories, approached from a critical and often selfironic perspective.
Selected exhibitions: 24/7, Domino, The Paintbrush Factory, Cluj-Napoca (2017, solo); Adevărul – atelier cu presă [Adevărul – press workshop], Tranzit House, Cluj-Napoca (2016); Cum și de ce m-am întors din Amsterdam [How and why I came back from Amsterdam], Concept exhibition, MORA Arts Center, Bucharest (2016), VREAU CHIRIE MICĂ NU VREAU SĂ MĂ ANGAJEZ CA SCLAV [I want a low-rent I don’t want to get employed as a slave], Cluj-Napoca (2016); Working Title, MAGMA Contemporary Art Space, Sfântu Gheorghe (2014); Scenă de gen [Gender scene], Ciclop Garage, Bucharest (2013); Still Life, KunstKamers, Rotterdam (2011); Where Is my Boat, Annex of the Visual Arts School Athens, Crete (2009); I don’t Like Advertising, but Advertising Likes Me, Galeria NIT, Bucharest (2006).
Cătălina Nistor’s works draw attention to taboo subjects and mental clichés through her self-ironic treatment of personal histories. The drawing series Supervised Rooms follows the situations lived by the artist over time and the permanent problem of changing houses. The tenant status is a vulnerable one, always depending on the requirements of the owner. Always under the careful supervision of the landlord, the tenant lives his/her personal life in different places, populating them with objects and friends, and each space temporarily “colonized” becomes the backdrop of new, everyday events.

1. Cătălina Nistor, Portrait, photo credits: Claudiu Cobilanschi
2. Cătălina Nistor, Supervised rooms (2016), triplus fineliner on paper, 210 x 297 mm