Igor & Ivan Buharov [HU]
Art Encounters 2017 Exhibitions:
It has been more than 22 years that Kornél Szilágyi (n. 1971) and Nándor Hevesi (n. 1974) have been working together, under the pseudonym of Igor and Ivan Buharov. They have been producing and directing several films (experimentals, features, shorts, documentaries, animations). They have also been involved in the creation of several music projects and film music. The Buharovs shoot their films mainly with Super 8 technique and combine elements of experimental filmmaking and narrative storytelling. Thorough topics touched with melancholy and irony (such as the vision of freedom and its impossibility), their films capture archetypal experiences in surrealistic atmosphere.
Selected exhibitions: Infectious Courage, ZÖNOTÉKA, Berlin (2017, solo); Autizmus mint metafora [Autism as metaphor], Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújvàros (2017); Keimena, Documenta 14, Athens (2017); Kapufa, Public Foundation For Modern Art, Dunaújváros (2016); Politik der Form, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig (2016); Dark Side Of Nature, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest (2015); Fear. The Origin of the State, Nová Kunsthalle, Zilina (2015); Public spaces, ADAF2015, Athens (2015); Everything Included, ACB Gallery, Budapest (2014, solo); REPORT ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SPACESHIP MODULE, New Museum, New York (2014); Changer d’Image, MUMOK, Wien (2013); Rudderless, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok (2012, solo); Radiospective – Nuclear Art, Studio Gallery, Budapest (2012); Five days of misunderstanding, Galerie 207, Prague (2012, solo); The decorative use of pain, Tranzit Workshop Bratislava (2011, solo).
The Igor & Ivan Buharov duo have been working under this moniker since 1995. The films they made use irony and humor to touch upon themes that have to do with social order and dominant political systems, with action placed at the boundary between dream and reality. In their most recent film, Most of the Souls that Live Here, the vision of individual liberty gradually takes on a surrealist aura, as solidarity and equality between people encounter obstacles in the fulfillment of the anarchic model imagined by Ervin Batthyány (1877-1945).

1. Igor & Ivan Buharov, Portraits, photo credits: Marilja Mirin
2. Igor & Ivan Buharov, Untitled secret material (2017), video, Super 8 transfer to digital, B/W, 5’30’’, courtesy of: Igor & Ivan Buharov